Web Document Publishing

Publishing company web pages using custom designs using your ideas and concepts.

Key Benefits

[Bullet] Build a Worldwide Storefront
[Bullet] Give Your Customers Easy Access to Your Products & Services
[Bullet] Increase Your Market Penetration

Envision the Future

Your message can be delivered using a wide-array of multimedia techniques, from animated text and graphics to simple documents. Designs may include interactive ordering, automated database and online catalogs.

Animated Text
Control the format, style, and delivery of text through graphic animations.
Order Entry
Sell your products interactively and take orders online.
Catalog Listings
Present your products and services using multimedia presentations.

Information Request Form

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

I need some documents published on the Worldwide Web.
Please email the person below with more info. Please telephone the person below.



Send mail to mailto:kirk@rmi.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1997-2000 Intelligent Communications Corp.
Last modified: October 16, 2002