New Age Doctrines

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A primary belief of New Age teachings is that everything that exists is all part of one cohesive whole. All is one. Everything exists as energy that flows through all things and unites all as part of the eternal oneness.

Even the word universe denotes this oneness... "uni": one; "verse": song. One song being sung by all that exists. We are one with nature, with the trees, the plants, the flowers, and with God.

Within this teaching, is the notion that we need only get in touch with our "higher self" to realize our oneness with all things. We are all one with each other and with God, and therefore, we are God.

There is a problem with this teaching... it is wrong! In order to accept this idea, one needs to believe that all that exists, is inherently corrupted, and in effect, the oneness of all things is in the process of perfecting itself. In other words, God (all that is, including us) is perfecting himself. The evil that exists is part of God, and He is learning to rid himself of the bad that exists within himself.

New Agers will say that we are merely sparks of the eternal being going forth to experience. If we follow the higher path, we unite with our oneness. But what is the source of the evil within us? Where did it originate? Is evil part of the oneness of all things, including God and us?

Belief in oneness, monism, requires believing that God has evil within his nature, and He is perfecting Himself through our experience. Can the God who is Love really also be evil?

Is God pure and just, or is He perfecting Himself at our expense? Decide for yourself, either He is perfect, or He is flawed... there is no in-between.


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by Aaron of Crossroads

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Revised: October 16, 2002 .